Here's a picture of the gluten free menu:

- Take a look at the gluten free menu, what's missing?? The PRICES! My biggest pet peeve...
- You MUST have a reservation - even for lunch. On one visit, we were late for our reservation (like everyone in Miami is always on time, please!)... and even though there were at LEAST 10 tables open - the hostess made us wait 10 minutes - for other potential reservations... It's just silly.
- Although Seasons 52 has a gluten free menu (and many other allergy friendly menus I hear) - the servers, AND the management really have NO CLUE what gluten free means. I was hoping such an allergy free friendly restaurant would do more than just spend the money creating menus, but, would actually train its employees.
To show you how bad it is, I ordered a chicken skewer dish (see it below), gluten free, of course, and it was brought to me with a terriyaki sauce that CONTAINED gluten! The servers just have no clue., Thankfully, I thought to ask and confirm that the sauce was really gluten free, and the server came back and sheepishly took the sauce away (of course not offering me an alternate sauce)... Well, I went to Seasons 52 again -- and what do you know... AGAIN, the server brought me rice that contained gluten, AFTER knowing I was gluten free!! Unfortunately... I'm going to have to put Seasons 52 on pause as I can't risk getting contaminated, and they clearly just can't get it right!!! So sad...
I've sent an email to management discussing this, REALLY hoping for a positive response, as I'm unfortunately putting Seasons 52 on pause until they get it right and train their employees.

Is the food delicious? Yes! Do the servers and management need to work out their kinks & get some training!?!? Yes! Is it a worthwhile restaurant for Celiacs (once the servers/management get a clue)? Yes!